Who is Ionic Industries?

Ionic is a technology platform, built around the expertise and IP developed by Professor Majumder’s team in the Nanoscale Science and Engineering Laboratory (NSEL) at Monash University in the field of graphene research and development.

Since 2012, the team has had extensive success working with Graphene Oxide (GO). Compared to pure graphene, GO is much easier to manufacture, customise and handle. At the same time, it delivers many of the outstanding characteristics of pure graphene. Because of these characteristics and the team’s successful research on GO, Ionic’s technologies are much closer to real commercial outcomes than many other graphene technologies currently under development elsewhere.

Ionic’s business model is predicated on commercialising graphene technologies developed by research teams at several Australian Universities, most importantly Monash.  The model involves working with Universities to identify research projects with commercial potential, then funding further R&D programs to develop commercial intellectual property and deliver commercial prototypes.  Ionic commercialises its technologies by partnering with industry leaders who have the expertise to incorporate these technologies into new or improved products for application in their existing markets and new markets in related fields.  Value can be created through licencing or direct equity in ventures established specifically to commercialise the technologies.

Our approach has a number of benefits:

Since 2011, Ionic has established itself as a leader in the field of graphene research through its formalised collaboration arrangement and working relationship with the Nanoscale Science and Engineering Laboratory (NSEL) at Monash University.

An enduring benefit of Ionic’s collaboration arrangement with Monash, is that Ionic has exclusive access to an ongoing pipeline of graphene research projects generated by Monash, which may result in the identification of new commercial products or the improvement (by iteration) of existing commercial products.