Team members
Board and Executive
Mr Simon Savage, Managing Director.
Simon has been a key contributor at Ionic over a number of years, supporting the company’s strategic planning and partnership initiatives. Simon’s experience in business and project management, strategic planning and stakeholder engagement will be critical in focusing Ionic’s research efforts, prioritising the commercialisation of our most advanced technologies and concluding partnership agreements.
Mr Neil Wilson BE (Hons), FIEAust CPEng Eng. Exec Chartered Engineer Neil brings his long experience in manufacturing to the Board of Ionic. He is the founder and Chairman of Romar Engineering through which he has developed over 50 years of manufacturing, management and research experience. Romar specialises in scalable manufacturing solutions and Neil’s experience will be critical to Ionic’s progress as the company enters its next phase of growth, bringing technology from the lab into manufacturing reality.
Mr Peter Armitage, Executive Chairman. Peter Armitage began his professional career over 40 years ago with an international accounting firm, specialising in start-ups and work-outs. After qualification he was invited into partnership of a national firm that he maintained until he set up his own practice in 1978, of which he remains principal. Since the early 1980’s he has been a Director of a number of listed exploration companies in both Australia and New Zealand concentrating on fiscal aspects of project modelling and procurement of capital. Recently he has been responsible for a number of successful IPOs supervising Due Diligence and Corporate Governance matters as well as attending to all compliance matters. Mr Armitage has also been involved in various consulting assignments in Peoples Republic of China, Canada, USA, Hong Kong, and UK for Fortune 500 companies. Mr Armitage also holds directorships in ASX listed Energex NL (ASX:ENX).
Company Secretarial
Justin has 20+ years’ experience in the accounting profession and 10+ years’ experience in Company Secretarial services.
Monash team
Led by Associate Professor Mainak Majumder, the following persons comprise the Monash team:
Professor Majumder applies fundamentals of materials science, notably Carbon, to emerging and multidisciplinary areas of separation engineering & energy storage and in doing so, creates scientific & business opportunities. He has developed an international reputation for inventing innovative fabrication & processing methods, grounded on strong fundamentals, with impact in a wide gamut of engineering applications for e.g. membrane-based separations, supercapacitors, batteries, strain sensors, micro-/nano-fluidics and anti-corrosion coatings.
He is a nationally recognized leader in industry engagement & translational research on graphene. His track record & standing in this topical area is such that he has received ARC funding continually (LP11, LP14) and most recently, ARC Graphene Hub (IH16). His LP11 was the first ever Australian research grant establishing a deep symbiotic University-Industry relationship reliant on creating IP surrounding graphene. He has created an ‘innovation ecosystem’ involving early stage corporate investment, competitive public funding, scientific discovery, patenting & licensing intellectual property, joint-venturing with end-users & commercialization, generally in the order stated. He has published > 50 articles in journals inclusive of Nature, Nature Chemistry, Nature Communications, and has received >3400 citations with an h-index of 24. He has delivered >20 invited talks in countries such as US, China, Portugal, UK, Australia & India.
One of Australia’s first and most highly recognised commercial graphene scientists and a leading expert in the field of supercapacitor technologies. He spent the last twenty plus years in leading-edge technology companies, initially at lithium-ion battery company Pacific Lithium Ltd., New Zealand and from 2002 to 2014 at supercapacitor designer and manufacturer CAP-XX in Australia. In 2014, heI co-founded Imagine Intelligent Materials (originally named “Nanocarbon”) a start-up graphene manufacturer and technology developer creating large-scale sensing materials and systems for smart cities, industry 4.0 and the IoT.
Meysam received his Ph.D. degree in Materials Science and Engineering from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, in 2013. Prior to his PhD, he completed a bachelors degree in Materials Science and Engineering in Shiraz University, Iran. He has spent 5 years at the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, A*STAR as a Research Scientist. In March 2018, he joined the group as a Postdoc focusing on design and fabrication of supercapacitors. For the last 10 years, he has been focused on materials processing, device fabrication and prototyping.
Dr Banerjee has always been fascinated by the electrochemical processes, particularly in the areas of energy storage, conversion and corrosion. This fascination led her Monash University to pursue a PhD examining the effect of various surface modifications on the electrochemical kinetics of a degrading metal surface. After her PhD, she integrated her knowledge in electrochemistry with carbon-based nanomaterials and ventured into the field of energy storage and conversion. Her current research interest includes, electrochemistry of various interfaces, energy storage materials and systems, advanced carbon based materials, corrosion, functional coatings and nanotechnology and nanomaterials.
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Ionic Industries Limited
Level 21, 459 Collins Street
Melbourne, Victoria 3000
03 8630 3321
ACN: 168 143 324
William Buck
Level 20, 181 William Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
Share Registry
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